An action that triggers an automated email from your marketing automation platform. Anything that indicates that you could provide immediate value to someone. An action that indicates a prospect is ready to move from the identify phase to the connect phase. An event that indicates a sales opportunity is about to expire. Download HubSpot Inbound […]
On a scale of one to ten, where one is “I’m not at all interested in working with you,” and ten is, “I want to buy right now,” what number would you say you are? Wow, that’s a high number! Why did you pick that number? That makes sense. Sounds like you have a lot […]
Someone who has explicitly stated their desire to buy your product Someone who is ready to buy your product Someone who is actively researching a goal or challenge Someone who has bought from you in the past and is looking to buy again Download HubSpot Inbound Sales Certification Exam Answers (PDF)