- True
- False
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Your back office teams should define and maintain your company’s purpose and find ways to share it with the rest of the company. Back office teams should find ways to make sure accounting processes, legal forms, etc. are focused on the needs of your customers. Back office teams should be aware of your company’s purpose […]
Rely on the information in the persona and ignore apparent differences. Personas often contain information that people don’t know about themselves and should be trusted over anything the individual person says. Focus on serving the person using the information they provide even if it doesn’t match the persona. If the same discrepancy comes up repeatedly, […]
The offer and its relevance to the page content The placement of the call-to-action on the page How the design does or does not grab attention Whether or not the call-to-action has an action verb Download HubSpot Inbound Certification Exam Answers (PDF)