- Enhanced cost-per-click (eCPC)
- Maximize Conversions
- Target impression share
- Maximize clicks
Download Google Ads Search Certification Exam Answers (PDF)
Download Google Ads Search Certification Exam Answers (PDF)
Each recommendation shows its impact on the optimization score as a percentage. Use Google AI to forecast the increase in conversions as a result of recommendations. Leverage trusted, third-party tools to analyze and optimize their campaigns. Cross reference the settings of comparable campaigns with higher optimization scores. The correct answer is: Each recommendation shows its […]
Their ad will appear if the search terms have the same meaning as the keyword. Their ad will appear if the search terms include the meaning of the keyword. Their ad will appear if the search terms are related to the keyword. Their ad will appear if the search terms contain all three of the […]
Incorporating an image to make the ad more enticing. Making the headline bold to potentially improve the eCTR. Using colors in the message text to improve Quality Score. Adding seasonal messaging during the holiday season. Download Google Ads Search Certification Exam Answers (PDF)