- True
- False
Download HubSpot Content Marketing Certification Exam Answers (PDF)
Yes, the entire team is present and participating. Yes, but make sure to assign the test to the appropriate team members. No, ideation and implementation should be done in separate meetings. No, you need approval from your boss before running a series of tests. Download HubSpot Content Marketing Certification Exam Answers (PDF)
continuously optimize your pages based on updated keyword research get referenced on sites that already rank well add more keywords to a page you want to rank for use more images than text Download HubSpot Content Marketing Certification Exam Answers (PDF)
True, conflict helps build developmental and emotional connections. True, people care more about the conflict than the resolution. False, your story is strong enough to explain the value of your products and services. False, conflict only reduces the connection of what you’re trying to communicate. Download HubSpot Content Marketing Certification Exam Answers (PDF)