Google bills in per-second increments, so you only pay for the compute time you use. With sustained use discounts, Google automatically gives discounted prices for long-running workloads with no up-front commitment required. Google can capture up to a petabyte of data on one Transfer Appliance without impacting the outbound network. Google-grade data centers give you […]
Access from storage to compute servers within the region Scaling without downtime Time to market for data-intensive applicat Download Google Cloud Platform Business Professional Accreditation Exam Answers (PDF)
Compute Engine provides practically unlimited computing power using virtual machines (VMs) in the cloud. Compute Engine is a type of software-as-a-service (SaaS). Compute Engine provides innovative storage solutions using an open source container-orchestration system. Compute Engine is a computing platform provided as a service, called a “platform-as-a-service” (PaaS). Download Google Cloud Platform Business Professional Accreditation […]