You’d say that view-through conversions are counted as conversions that are recorded when users view but don’t interact with an ad, then later convert. You’d say that view-through conversions are counted as conversions that are recorded when new users view and interact with an ad, then later convert. You’d say that view-through conversions are counted […]
Maximize Conversions aims to achieve an average return on ad spend (ROAS) equal to a desired target. Maximize Conversions is the safest bidding strategy for all business types to optimize their bidding. Maximize Conversions uses machine learning to capture as many conversions as possible within a daily budget. Maximize Conversions automatically limits conversions that don’t […]
Viewing an online advertisement for a car Calling to ask about a test-drive Recommending the car on social media Filling out an email subscription form The correct answer is: Viewing an online advertisement for a car