In reports or filters, you may have records show up in more than one location. In reports or filters, you can only search for exact matches. Trick question! You cannot use single field type properties in reports or as a filter. In reports or filters, single field types can only be visualized using pie chart […]
Service analytics has out-of-the-box reports; the report builder requires you to build every report from scratch. The report builder has out-of-the-box reports; service analytics requires you to build every report from scratch. Service analytics has in-depth reports; the report builder has more generalized reports. Service analytics is generally for managers; report builder is for reps. […]
When a visitor or contact comes to your site from a paid social post that’s associated with one of your HubSpot campaigns When a visitor or contact comes to your site from any asset that’s associated with one of your HubSpot campaigns When a contact is imported to HubSpot When a visitor or contact comes […]