- True
- False
Download HubSpot Sales Enablement Certification Exam Answers (PDF)
“That’s fine, as long as it helps them do the job they hired our product to do.”? “That’s a good idea because we can put more pressure on people who have previously bought from us than we can put on prospects.”? “We shouldn’t do that. Asking customers to buy from us again is a betrayal […]
They maintain alignment between marketing and sales. They provide a place to recognize high achievers. The provide a place for reporting to upper management. All of the above. Download HubSpot Sales Enablement Certification Exam Answers (PDF)
Articles that answer sales-related questions, such as how much your product costs. An “About Us”? page that describes the history of your company. General interest pieces that have broad appeal to your persona, even if the topics aren’t closely related to your product. All of the above. Download HubSpot Sales Enablement Certification Exam Answers (PDF)