- Conversion rate
- Cost-per-conversion
- Conversion value-per-cost
- Conversion value-per-click
The correct answer is:
- Conversion rate
The correct answer is:
You should turn off the ads to stop traffic. You should use more general keywords. You should reduce campaign budgets. You should add more negative keywords. The correct answer is: You should add more negative keywords.
You’d say that Google Ads reports conversions against the date/time of the click that led to the conversion. Depending on the other data source, it might use the date/time of the conversion itself. You’d say that Google Ads reports views against the device type of the view that didn’t lead to a conversion. Depending on […]
By automatically creating tag code snippets By troubleshooting unverified conversion actions By telling you which Google Analytics reports are incorrect By creating the Google Click Identifier tag (GCLID) The correct answer is: By troubleshooting unverified conversion actions