- Broad match
- Exact match
- Phrase match
- Negative match
The correct answer is:
- Broad match
The correct answer is:
Because the first keyword was attributed with the conversion, it would receive 100% of the credit for the conversion. Because the conversion was attributed to each keyword equally, each keyword would share equal credit (i.e., 25% each) for the conversion. Because the last keyword was attributed with the conversion, it would receive 100% of the […]
Regardless of the value of the lead, you’d always set it as $0. If the average value of a lead is $20, you’d assign the value as $200. Regardless of the value of the lead, you’d always set it as $1. If the average value of a lead is $20, you’d assign the value as […]
A tag is a large snippet of code that’s placed on the conversion page of a website. A tag is a small snippet of code that’s placed on the conversion page of a website. A tag is a large snippet of code that’s placed on the home page of a website. A tag is a […]