Ask the prospect how much they’re planning to invest to achieve their goals. Suggest a price that’s high enough that you can let them negotiate the price down. Offer a discount based on their goals and timeline. Give them a time-bound quote. Download HubSpot Inbound Sales Certification Exam Answers (PDF)
Economic factors that make a customer ideal or not ideal Market segments that are ideal or not ideal to sell into Geographic locations that are ideal or not ideal to sell into Goals and challenges an ideal customer needs help with Download HubSpot Inbound Sales Certification Exam Answers (PDF)
A sales process is an outdated, seller-focused idea. An inbound sales strategy replaces the need for a sales process. Every sales team has its own sales process, but an inbound sales strategy can be implemented by every sales team. A sales process describes the steps a seller takes during a sales cycle, while an inbound sales strategy […]